New York State Education Department Adopts NCSRC's Indicators of Distress Research

News | 09 Feb, 2022

In a new R&D Alert on their website, NCSRC's partner organization WestEd highlights the New York State Education Department (NYSED), who have shared our Indicators of Distress research and tools among more than 350 charter schools in the state. According to WestEd, this constitutes "a new effort to identify and act on early warning signs before the problems become too numerous to overcome."

“Because charters are autonomous, they are responsible for correcting course,” says David Frank, chief of staff for the NYSED’s Office of Education Policy, echoing a key message of NCSRC's research on indicators of distress. “If we don’t learn from the mistakes of the past, then we’re just reinventing the wheel all the time.”

Read the entire post here, which also includes information on the use of Indicators of Distress research in 23 Delaware charter schools.