The Logic Model Toolkit is designed to help prospective and current Charter School Programs (CSP) grantees develop and revise logic models to guide project implementation and monitor progress. The toolkit can (1) help prospective grantees develop logic models as part of their project design process, align project activities and goals with available resources, and display their project clearly in their grant applications, and (2) help existing grantees to review and revise their approved logic models and use their logic models to guide, monitor, and report on project implementation.
The examples throughout are derived from CSP-funded grantees, including State Entities and State Education Agencies (SEs/SEAs), Charter Management Organizations (CMOs), and Developers; it is not intended that all examples would be applicable to every type of CSP grant.
The toolkit is divided into four parts:
- Part 1 provides an overview of logic models.
- Part 2 presents steps and tips for developing logic models.
- Part 3 explains how logic models can be used to monitor project implementation and progress.
- Part 4 offers resources for further reading.