The National Charter School Resource Center hosted a two-part webinar series for State Entity (SE) grantees on the role state education agency (SEA) charter school offices play in ensuring students with disabilities are effectively served.
Part I helped attendees gain an understanding of why LEA status matters in understanding how special education services are delivered, the various roles stakeholders play in serving students with disabilities, and levers you can pull to ensure charter schools are effectively serving students with disabilities.
Part II shared how the Colorado Department of Education’s Offices of Schools of Choice and Exceptional Student Services collaborate to better serve students with disabilities. It also explored the responsibilities CSP SE grantees related to students with disabilities.
- Robin Chait, National Charter School Resource Center
- Kelly Wynveen, National Charter School Resource Center
- Beckie Davis, WestEd
- Bill Kottenstette, Colorado Department of Education
- Paul Foster, Colorado Department of Education
Additional Resources:
- How 2017-2019 State Entity Grantees Are Using Technical Assistance Set-Aside Funds (Report)
- Special Education 101 for the Charter Sector (Recording)
- Supporting Charter Schools in Serving Students with Disabilities: A Webinar for CSSO SE Grantees (Recording)