This publication includes overviews of two State Entities (SE) who receive Charter School Programs (CSP) grants in order to open new charter schools and replicate and expand high-quality charter schools. The overviews capture key elements of each grantee’s project as well as lessons learned and project successes. They also describe key components of the grantee’s project, a description of major grant activities with a general timeline, highlights of project successes and lessons learned, and quotes from grantees.
The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) utilizes its Schools of Choice Unit (SOC) to “support high-quality educational choices for Colorado families and students and promote thoughtful innovations that will prepare Colorado students to be 21st-century adults.” SOC supports CDE's charter schools through specialized trainings for boards and staff, equity convenings, business manager networking, mentoring, and training, and other efforts.
The Maryland State Department of Education's (MSDE) partners with the Maryland Alliance for Public Charter Schools (MAPCS) to “support, grow, and sustain the Maryland public charter school sector so that it will continue to provide high-quality education options for Maryland families; deliver strong outcomes for disadvantaged students; and contribute to the success of Maryland’s Public School Systems.” MAPCS's work includes a school-to-school collaboration program, a charter school authorizer community of practice, and technical assistance for new and existing charter schools.