NCSRC hosted a two-day symposium focused on grants management for State Education Agency (SEA) grantees in the State Entity (SEP) CSP grant program. The first day explored subgrantee monitoring, including the purpose of subgrantee monitoring, elements of an effective subgrantee monitoring plan, lessons learned from implementing a subgrantee monitoring plan. The second day reviewed the key elements of the peer review process, including the selection process for peer reviewers, criteria for assessing applications, and the process for guidance and training of peer reviewers. Day Two of the session begins at the 51:40 mark of the video. Materials highlighted during this event include NCSRC's checklists for peer review plan elements and subgrantee monitoring.
SEA SE Grantee Symposium
Resource Selection
Start Date
08 Sep, 2021
End Date
08 Sep, 2021