Charter Management Organization Grantee Profiles

Resource Selection
20 Jul, 2020

Read about the CMO grants to AppleTree Schools (2019), Brooke Charter Schools (2017), Family Life Academy Charter Schools (FLACS) Inc. (2017), and Hiawatha Academies (2017). The profiles provide a detailed depiction of each grantee, their grant goals and activities, project successes, and lessons learned during implementation of the grant. The profiles share information about AppleTree expanding and replicating its early learning education model, Brooke expanding its programming with a focus on developing and retaining excellent teachers, FLACS expanding to a new middle school campus through a focus on early planning and effective project management, and Hiawatha expanding and replicating to double the number of seats it can serve in its majority English learner population.

View the NCSRC webinar featuring AppleTree Institute and Hiawatha Academies.