May 2017 Newsletter: English Learners and Students with Disabilities Resources

Resource Selection
25 May, 2017

Comprehensive Resources to Support English Learners and Students With Disabilities

Charter school leaders always need support to address the unique needs of their students. To that end, the National Charter School Research Center (NCSRC) recently released comprehensive resources geared towards English Learner students and students with disabilities. These new publications are a one-stop round up of the most timely and relevant resources to support English Learner students and students with disabilities. 

The resource guides are compilations of materials—such as reports, fact sheets, case studies, and toolkits—designed to support innovative, student-centered opportunities to effectively serve English Learner students and students with disabilities. 

The resource guides identify existing English Learner and students with disabilities resources in the field and prioritize those that are most recent, usable, and commonly cited. The resource guides also include materials that explain how well and to what extent charters serve these students. The resource guides draw from key stakeholders and leaders in the sector, including federal, state, and local agencies, nonprofit organizations, and research agencies, that have developed resources specifically to aid charter schools in serving English Learner students and students with disabilities.

These resource guides also seek to maintain a diversity of perspectives and are relevant to multiple audiences, including charter school leaders, parents, and policymakers.

Recent NCSRC Resources

Recent Charter Sector Resources
