National Charter School Facility Survey
In the fall of 2021, the National Charter School Resource Center (NCSRC) is conducting the first national survey of public charter school facilities. This effort is designed to collect data from a nationally representative sample of charter schools to appraise the state of charter school facilities and to identify prominent shortcomings in the facility landscape. This survey effort is funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Charter School Programs and is implemented with support from local charter school support organizations and nonprofits across the country.
For the charter school survey sample, NCSRC randomly identified hundreds of brick-and-mortar charter schools that represent an array of school characteristics, including a range of instructional levels from pre-kindergarten through grade 12, urban to rural settings, family socioeconomic status, school ages (start-up to established charter schools), and school enrollment sizes. If your school has been selected to complete the National Charter School Facility Survey, we will notify you and request your participation in the survey.
NCSRC will analyze data collected in this survey and share findings with the public to help charter schools better meet facility challenges. A summary report will focus on: 1) the role that federal or local policies play in alleviating challenges that charter schools face in accessing and maintaining facilities; 2) the resources that charter schools leverage to alleviate facilities inequities; and 3) facility conditions associated with common characteristics, such as years of establishment, size, and location.
For questions about the National Charter School Facility Survey, contact NCSRC at